
AIC- BV Foundation (AIC BVF) is registered under Company as Section 8 of Companies Act 2013. It has been established with support from Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog, Government of India as Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV). The Main Objectives are as under:—

  1. To Promote Commerce and Industry in state of Bihar
  2. To Promote Entrepreneurship & Start up through Innovation & Incubation
  3. To establish World Class Incubation Facilities ,including not limited to
    (a) Suitable Physical Infrastructure including
    (B) Lab Facilities
    (C) Co-sharing Space and
    (D) Facilitation for Financial support & Patent Right
  4. To Provide support to start ups or Innovators in core sectors of economy (e.g Agriculture, Clean energy & Sustainable technology) es ,Education, Housing, Transportation, IOT, Robotics, 3-D Printing & AI, Water Sanitation etc.)
  5. To encourage Creation of New Technologies and Intellectual Property.
  6. To Support and carry out any other activities relevant to promotion ,strengthen and incubation of start up in the country .

Function of AIC-BV

  1. Assist the incubatees in creating a sustainable, scalable & profitable business model.
  2. Provide physical infrastructure and value-added support services to Start-up.
  3. Create a strong network of mentors who would provide sector specific knowledge & real-world practical guidance.
  4. Conduct events and inspirational programs
  5. Provide trainings and mentorship to entrepreneurs
  6. Forge partnerships and networks with academia, industry, funding sources, existing incubators and others for the start-ups to leverage.
  7. Enable access to prototyping facilities, test beds, markets, and pilot implementation for the product/services.


“To strengthen the Ecosystem of Bihar towards fostering Entrepreneurship”



  • Nurturing grass route innovations
  • Brining technology to Bihar and creating access and linkage between the entrepreneurs and technology
  • Becoming one stop solution provider
  • Promote Entrepreneurship through education, training and institutional strengthening
  • Identify policy gas and propose solution